At Grupo México, we recognize that sustainability is not only practiced within an organization, it must also extend throughout the value chain. We aim to have a responsible supply that is mindful of both the environment and people, and which is also resilient to climate change and social conflicts

Our sustainability approach is the area of supply focuses on 3 main processes:
Supplier development and support programs

For more information, see Management Approach


  • Our vision and commitments in sustainable development are set out in our company policies and Code of Ethics.
  • We promote ethical and responsible business practices through our commitment to our values, our people, the environment and corporate social responsibility.
  • We encourage our value chain to actively support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the 10 Principles of the Global Compact, as well as the sustainable development commitments of Grupo México set out in our Sustainable Development Policies.


Grupo México
Organizational Management

Consult our ESG report on Supply Chain Management, which focuses on 3 main processes:


We have mechanisms and processes in place to select or screen and renew our suppliers, considering the following criteria for our commercial relationships:

  • Environmental and social: protection of the community and the environment, human rights, safe and healthy workplaces, and respect for the fundamental labor rights (decent conditions, freedom of association, elimination of harassment, discrimination, child and forced labor).
  • Governance: ethics and integrity, anti-corruption practices, unfair competition and anti-money laundering.
  • Business relevance: commercial performance, legal compliance and quality of the products and services provided.

The contracting processes outlined in our policies and codes require all our suppliers to meet the following requirements:

  1. Sign the Code of Conduct for Business Partners (Grupo México) or the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, Contractors and Relevant Business or Commercial Partners (Americas Mining Corporation).
  2. Accept the Grupo México General Human Rights Policy.
  3. Register their personnel with the social security agency or equivalent in the countries where we operate.
  4. Provide proof of good standing with the corresponding tax authorities.
  5. Sign the data protection notice, letter of consent, and related parties disclosure statement.

Additionally, our Mining Division has adopted the Dow Jones Risk & Compliance tool, which provides a due diligence process for verifying the integrity of our supply chains and business partners as a requirement for doing business with us. The process includes the following criteria:

  • Corporate governance
  • Money laundering
  • Prompt payment
  • Social responsibility
  • Sustainability

We conduct periodic reviews of our suppliers and contractors, focusing on assurance that compliance is being met with applicable regulations and our commercial requirements.

We have also adopted international practices to strengthen the assessment of our business partners in terms of sustainability, with particular focus on human rights, work conditions, the environment and anti-corruption.

These assessments are conducted considering the following levels of application:

  1. Assessment of commercial performance.
  2. Onsite audits and assessments by the procurement departments of our divisions or consultants contracted by the company.
  3. Sector assessments and certifications.

(For more information, see Evaluation.)

For reporting purposes, our suppliers are classified as follows:

  • Tier 1 – Direct suppliers: representing 100% of our annual procurement spending
  • Significant suppliers in Tier-1: those who supply critical or essential products or services for operations and who also account for 80% of the company’s expenditure
  • Non Tier-1 suppliers: refers to suppliers that provide their products and services through Tier-1 suppliers to the company
Supplier development and support programs

We offer a variety of development programs, technical support services and mechanisms for receiving concerns to encourage suppliers and contractors to adopt commitments to doing business in a more ethical manner and to support their sustainable growth:

  • Suppliers Portal (AMC): to track payment processes.
  • Shared Services Center: administrative team that supports supplier and procurement processes.
  • Community Care Service: mechanism for open communication between the community and Grupo México, receiving grievances and concerns from the community, including suppliers.
  • Forjando Futuro (Forging Futures) – Suppliers: company program that supports the development of local supply and training, operating in the Mining Division in Mexico and Peru.

The Forjando Futuro (Forging Futures) program offers local suppliers ESG skills training and development.

Key indicators
Spending on suppliers
Total Spending - GM
Total Spending - GM
USD billion in 2023 spending with suppliers
No. of Suppliers - GM
No. of Suppliers - GM
suppliers we did business with in 2023. (Tier 1)
Critical Suppliers
No. of Suppliers - GM
No. of Suppliers - GM
critical suppliers identified in 2023. (Tier 1 significant suppliers)
% of Spending - GM
% of Spending - GM
of the total spending was with critical suppliers 2023. (Spend on Tier 1 significant suppliers)
Assessments - Mining
Assessments - Mining
supplier evaluations carried out in 2023
ESG Assessments - Mining
ESG Assessments - Mining
supplier evaluations carried out with ESG criteria in 2023
Assessments - Infrastructure
Assessments - Infrastructure
supplier evaluations carried out in 2023
ESG Assessments - Infrastructure
ESG Assessments - Infrastructure
supplier evaluations carried out with ESG criteria in 2023
Assessments - Transportation
Assessments - Transportation
supplier evaluations carried out in 2023
Development and support
Support services
Support services
local suppliers that participate in skills development and improvement programs (Provee)
Roles & Responsibilities

The organizational supervision of supply chain management is structured as follows:


Strategy and compliance
Operational supervision
  • Supply Management


    Each division of the group has supply areas responsible for developing and implementing management regulatory frameworks regarding supply processes.

    • Supply Teams

      They consist of a corporate structure, which includes Strategic Supply and Foreign Trade, along with teams for Purchasing, Traffic, Inventory, and Warehousing.

      • Regional / Local Teams

        Responsible for supply processes at the regional or local level.

  • Sustainable Development Department

    Advises on continuous improvement regarding environmental, social, and governance practices for value chain management, including assessment and certification processes.


We conduct periodic assessments of our suppliers and contractors, focused on ensuring compliance with applicable regulations and standards, as well as our business requirements, with the aim of fostering relationships that ensure business sustainability and allow for maximizing returns.

Generally, supplier and contractor evaluations consider four levels of implementation:

Commercial performance assessments
Onsite audits and assessments (internal)
Onsite audits and assessments (third parties)
Sector assessments and certifications
Commercial performance assessments
Which include documented verification of legal and tax compliance, as applicable, in each country where we operate.
Onsite audits and assessments (internal)
Conducted by the supply areas or the engineering and construction inspection areas (Mining), carried out by internal personnel or through the hiring of consultants.
Onsite audits and assessments (third parties)
By accredited independent auditors, depending on the type of certification required.
Sector assessments and certifications
For these types of evaluations and certification processes, special requirements are considered according to each sector or industry. For example, in the Mining Division, we initiate various self-assessment processes for both our units and relevant business partners, such as The Copper Mark.
Our Codes of Conduct for Business Partners and Suppliers are aligned with the applicable regulatory frameworks in each country where we operate:
  • Council on Economic Priorities voluntary certification of workplace conditions (SA8000)
  • Social Responsibility Guide (ISO 26000)
  • International Organization for Standardization workplace health and safety management system (ISO 45001)
  • Environmental management system (ISO 14001)
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
  • Ten Principles of the Global Compact Mexico
  • Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct – OECD
  • Performance Standards – International Finance Corporation
  • Mining Principles – ICMM
  • Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals – OECD
  • United Nations Convention against Corruption
  • Partnering Against Corruption Initiative – World Economic Forum
  • Business Principles for Countering Bribery – Transparency International
  • Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
  • Universal Declaration on Human Rights
  • United Nations International Human Rights Instruments
  • Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
  • ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
  • Conventions and recommendations of the International Labor Organization (ILO)
  • Statistics on Occupational Accidents Report III – International Labor Organization (ILO)
  • ILO Codes of Practice and Guides on Occupational Health
  • Occupational Health and Safety Management System OHSA 18001
  • International Labor Organization Convention 169
  • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • CDP Questionnaires
  • TCFD Recommendations
  • Mexican Standard on Social Responsibility (NMX-SAST-26000-IMNC-2011)
  • State Sponsors of Terrorism – US Department of State
  • Foreign Terrorist Organizations – US Department of State
  • Sanctions List Search – Office of Foreign Assets Control
