We generate development and wellbeing in our neighbor communities through investments in infrastructure and services that contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, under a framework of respect for human rights.

We focus on people as the engines for development to strengthen the social weave and drive tangible and long-lasting improvements in the quality of life in our communities.

Our management in this area focuses on 3 pillars:
Responsible coexistense
Economic development
Human development

For more information, see Management Approach


  • Foster a social change that strengthens the internal structures of the community, together with the different levels of government and local organizations and institutions.
  • Ensure the voices of the community are heard in decision-making. We have various mechanisms in place to receive concerns, needs and opinions on development.
  • Respect the rhythm and needs of each community, always adapting to their reality.
  • Feedback to the community. We reflect the challenges and achievements of the community through our participative development mechanisms.
  • Building together. Through ongoing dialogue, we seek to identify joint solutions to local challenges.
See more


Mining / Infrastructure
Organizational Management

Our Community Development model is divided into three pillars, where the principal tools are:

Responsible coexistence
  • Participative social diagnostics: consultation tools to identify the risks at each site that could potentially affect the community. /li>
  • Community Care Service (CCS): : tool for addressing requests, concerns and complaints, and to identify positive and negative impacts on the community, to inform our social management plan.
  • Disaster relief: immediate response in support of communities experiencing emergency situations.
  • Water management: we accompany the different levels of government in Mexico and Peru, providing technical advice and investment in water management works.
  • Environmental transformation: we promote environmental care actions in our communities focusing on farming, livestock and environmental management.
Economic development
  • Forjando Futuro (Forging Futures): : job and productive skills training program for the community.
  • Social infrastructure: projects that promote growth under a vision of generating and sharing value with government authorities and community leaders.
  • Recreational centers (Tamosura and Pinacate): unique social and family recreational centers that also promote local businesses.
  • Business committees: made up of local businesspeople to support social responsibility projects for their communities.
  • Mining investment funds: contributions and mining taxes earmarked for infrastructure and community services.
Human development
  • Community centers: spaces for strengthening the social weave, building trust and improving the quality of life of the community.
  • Grand funds: opportunities for the community to bring their diverse social projects and initiatives to life.
  • Volunteering: : we promote the value of shared responsibility in the development of social programs.
  • Schools: access to basic education for the children of our employees and for the community.
  • Flagship programs: model programs with objectives and methodologies for social transformation in our three countries (Mexico, Peru and USA), providing indicators to measure the scope of positive results for participants.
  • Mineral Discovery Center: : interactive museum dedicated to bringing mining to the community, including guided tours inside the Mission mine (USA).
Key indicators
Social investment
Social investment
million in social investments by the Mining Division in 2023
People reached
People reached
participants in our social programs in 2023
social programs, with 17,583 activities
Addressing community concerns and grievances
Addressing community concerns and grievances
concerns addressed in 2023 through our Community Care Service.
volunteers participated in our social programs
Roles & Responsibilities

The organizational supervision of community development management is structured as follows:

Strategy and compliance
Operational supervision
Responsible coexistence
  • Executive Leadership /

    Board of Directors

    Evaluates performance and progress on the corporate goals, targets and indicators, and investment projects related to communities. Identifies areas of opportunity, needs, risks and potential synergies

    • Audit


      Mechanism developed for the Board to monitor and promptly follow up on the management of our environmental, social and governance-related risks.

      • Sustainable Development Committee

        Reviews the strategy, performance and principal improvement projects. Submits recommendations to the Board of Directors.

        • Sustainable Development Department

          Leads the design and implementation of projects, initiatives and actions, in close collaboration with the other divisions and relevant areas of the company.

          • Community Development Department

            Leads the implementation of the organization’s strategic plan, identifying social risks and opportunities, to define the management mechanisms. Includes building alliances and linkage with strategic groups and authorities at the federal and state levels.

            • Community


              Teams that build human and social capital by building trust and long-term relationships with our neighbor communities.

              • Community


                Gender-inclusive groups of volunteers representing the health, education and business sectors, youth, vulnerable groups, equity and gender perspectives.

                Their primary role is to serve as the citizen liaison between the community and the company to define the priority areas and mechanisms for community participation in the social impact assessments.

              • Environmental surveillance and participative monitoring committee (Peru)

                Mechanism for social participation made up of nonprofit leaders, authorities and company representatives.

                Actively participates in the quarterly environmental monitoring as laid out in the environmental impact studies for our mine projects and required by Peruvian law.


Our “Casa Grande” Community Development Model was recognized by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) as a case study of a successful community model in its publication “Extractive Sector and Civil Society: When the work of communities, governments and industries is synonymous with development”(2018).

The three axes of our Community Development model are aligned to a community materiality matrix, based on the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) guidelines. This analysis highlights 12 priority themes, on which our programs focus, which were also aligned with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the United Nations.

Find more information about our performance in our Community Engagement Report 2023.

From this analysis, we defined and implemented the following actions to evaluate our social performance in the communities near our operations:

Performance indicators
Inhouse assessments and evaluations
Independent assessments
Performance indicators
To monitor and report on the impact of the community development model.
Inhouse assessments and evaluations
Periodically conducted at each site. The Sustainable Development Committee monitors performance results quarterly.
Independent assessments
Our results are also subject to independent reviews. For example, the El Retiro wind farm in Juchitán, Oaxaca, undergoes an independent audit each year based on the Equator Principles.
Our community development performance takes into account the following frameworks:
  • UN Global Compact
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations
  • ISO 26000
  • United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • Equator Principles
Organizational Management
  • At Grupo México Transportes, we engage with the communities in the regions where we operate through social development programs and ongoing dialogue with local and regional governments.
  • It is paramount to us that these communities consider the railroad part of their environment and as a means that promotes development in their region. We have established two lines of action in this area:
Coexistence with the community
  • Infrastructure and media campaigns to improve the coexistence between the railroad and the community and to reduce accidents at level crossings.
  • Collaboration with the Mexican authorities and the Mexican National Immigration Service on different programs.
Regional development
  • El Chepe, a unique passenger train in Mexico, which travels the Q line on the Chihuahua-Pacific route. This project promotes tourism and drives economic and commercial activities, generating an economic spillover for the local communities in the Chihuahua and Sinaloa mountains.
  • Transportation of goods to vulnerable communities free of charge.
  • High quality and specialized health services provided through Dr. Vagón, The Health Train, all along our rail lines.
Key indicators
Dr. Vagón (2014-2023)
Distance traveled
Distance traveled
+77,670 miles
(+125,000 km) traveled
Communities served
Communities served
communities visited
Medical services
Medical services
medical services delivered
participants in health education workshops
Roles & Responsibilities

The organizational supervision of community development management is structured as follows:

Strategy and compliance
  • Government & Media Relations Office

    Manages the channels of communication with the authorities and the media share communiques and official information about our operations and the position of the Transportation Division.

  • Planning Office

    Designs, manages and executes all Transportation Division technical-operational projects.


Our social responsibility methodology counts with different policies, strategies and standards, which include quality of life at work, business ethics, engagement with communities, environmental care and preservation.

Socially Responsible Company
Socially Responsible Company
Anually, we participate in the assessment process of the Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía, A.C. (CEMEFI) to obtain this recognition.
