We recognize the multicultural and multilingual nature of the countries where we operate, respecting the human rights of indigenous peoples in adherence of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention 169.

We recognize the right of indigenous peoples and communities to preserve all elements of their culture and identity, and also their special connection with elements in nature to build long-term harmonious relationships of shared responsibility in the communities where we operate.

Grupo México strives to include culturally appropriate measures in our activities that involve indigenous peoples, respecting their world view, language, cultural representations, traditional wisdom, spirituality, organizational structures and cultural heritage.

Our management in this area is based on 4 core principles: 
Respect for the rights of the indigenous peoples and communities near our operations.
Understanding their customs and traditions in the spaces where we may have activity, always in accordance with law.
Communication through accessible, effective and open channels that are culturally appropriate for each indigenous community.
Participation and engagement over time to maintain a harmonious relationship from which all parties benefit. 

For more information, see Management Approach


  • Respect and promote the rights of indigenous and similar peoples and communities, both as individuals and collectively, in adherence of relevant international instruments and federal legislation in the countries where we operate.
  • Respect the right of indigenous peoples and communities to self-determination.
  • Conduct a due diligence process, involving the indigenous peoples and communities in question, to identify, prevent, mitigate and, where necessary, remediate and/or offset potential impacts.
  • Acknowledge the cultural diversity to build long-term harmonious relationships, based on respect and shared responsibility.
  • Open and maintain accessible and effective channels of communication for indigenous communities.
  • Promote the implementation of culturally appropriate programs that respect language, cultural expressions and representations, traditional wisdom, spirituality, organizational structures and cultural heritage.
  • Actively collaborate with governments on prior, free and informed consultation, where applicable and according to the regulatory framework in each country.
See more


Grupo México
Organizational management

Our engagement with indigenous peoples and communities is based on 4 principles:

Respect the rights of the indigenous peoples and communities near our operations

All Grupo México actions are held to the principles of shared responsibility, inclusion, participatory communication, transparency, empathy and congruence. We are committed to the fundamental principle of respecting the human rights of all individuals, independent of our legal obligations.

In particular, and as stated in our Human Rights Policy, we respect the rights of indigenous peoples in adherence of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, implementing measures that are culturally appropriate and valuing diversity as social wealth.

Understanding and respecting the traditions, customs and spaces where we conduct our activities, in adherence of law

Acknowledging that indigenous peoples and communities have particular sociocultural characteristics and that they hold specific rights, our engagement with indigenous peoples and communities must be based on respect, good faith and building mutual trust.

We adopt the principle of cultural relevance through our Community Development Model and to ensure harmonious and sustainable relationships with shared responsibility with indigenous communities. This cross-cutting (from start to finish of the activities related to our projects) principle of cultural relevance means recognizing, respecting and considering in each activity, the community context in all its dimensions (social, cultural, environmental, spiritual).

Our lines of action to promote cultural relevance include:

  1. Promote multiculturalism.
  2. Know and respect the cultural characteristics of the communities and promote their rights.
  3. Promote inclusive practices to prevent any type of discrimination.
  4. Design and disseminate clear information in keeping with the culture of the community.
Promote accessible and effective channels of communication

In support of dialoguing in good faith, respecting equality and ensuring timely access to information, we design and disseminate information about our projects with the aim of guaranteeing access and understanding of this information for the indigenous communities involved.

We use different communication tools, including community tools, audiovisual media, printed informational materials, community radio and loud speakers, among others, to convey information in a timely, transparent, clear and understandable manner, ensuring the information materials are available in the appropriate languages for each community.

Our principal communication tool is our Community Care Service. See details in Contact.

Indigenous consultation:

  • The right to consultation is a right of the indigenous peoples and communities that the State must guarantee through appropriate procedures, and in particular, through the State agencies, whenever there is consideration of legislative changes or development plans or projects that could directly affect the rights or interests of indigenous peoples or communities.
  • Although the State is responsible for implementing indigenous consultation processes, Grupo México has adopted the commitment to promote and assist governments in applying the commitments outlined in Convention 169 to guarantee respect for the right of indigenous peoples and communities to prior, free and informed consultation when they may be impacted by any project or action.
  • Applies in countries that have signed onto ILO Convention 169, which in the case of Grupo México, means Mexico, Peru and Spain.

Important: The Mexican legislatures are currently working on a Right to Consultation Law for Indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples and communities. Indigenous consultation for all productive sectors is supported by Article 2 of the Mexican Constitution, International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention 169 concerning indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries, and also the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Build long term relationships with the communities where we operate

Our Engagement with Indigenous Communities Protocol was  designed for our Mining and Infrastructure divisions and is aligned to our Code of Ethics.

In general, this Protocol supports us to:

  1. Identify the indigenous communities and their characteristics.
  2. Establish the first approach to the community.
  3. Define agreements for future engagement together with the community.
  4. Design a mechanism for addressing grievances, together with the community.
  5. Prepare social impact assessments.
  6. Collaborate on indigenous consultation processes or implement a participative mechanism based on the exchange of information.
  7. Define the social benefits together with the communities.
  8. Comply with agreements and ensure continuity in our community engagement.
  9. Periodically evaluate our actions in relation to the communities.

Of note is that one of the main characteristics of the Protocol is its flexibility, adapting to each context and defining the details of its application on a case-by-case basis, and in each community independently.

Key indicators
Mining and Infrastructure
Community Care Service
Community Care Service
concerns addressed in the communities near our operations where there is an indigenous presence. 
Community Care Service
requests and questions addressed in the communities near our operations where there is an indigenous presence. y dudas atendidas en las localidades cercanas a nuestras operaciones en donde se identifica presencia de población indígena
Presence and proximity
Presence and proximity
operations in Mexico and the United States involving indigenous communities.
Presence and proximity
operations in Peru near farming communities.eraciones en Perú tienen colindancia con comunidades campesinas
Formal agreements
Formal agreements
operations that have formal agreements in place with indigenous communities in Mexico and the United States.
US$ 2 million
investment in social programs and projects in places where there is an indigenous presence or in farming communities in Mexico, Peru and the United States.
Roles & Responsibilities

The organizational supervision of indigenous peoples management is structured as follows:

Strategy and compliance
Operational supervision
  • Executive Leadership /

    Board of Directors

    Reviews performance, progress on the corporate goals, targets and indicators and our community investment projects. Identifies areas of opportunity, needs, risks and possible synergies.

    • Audit Committee

      Mechanism developed for the Board to monitor and promptly follow up on the management of our environmental, social and governance-related risks.

      • Sustainable Development Committee

        Reviews the strategy, performance and execution of major improvement projects. Delivers recommendations to the Board of Directors.

        • Sustainable Development Department

          Leads the design and implementation of projects, initiatives and actions, in close collaboration with the other divisions and relevant areas of the company.

          • Community Development Department

            Leads the implementation of the organization’s strategic plan, identifying social risks and opportunities, to define management mechanisms. Includes building alliances and engagement with strategic groups and with state and federal authorities.

            • Special Projects and Explorations

              Monitors social investment community programs, funds and tax incentives, such as our schools and the Tamosura and Pinacate parks.

              • Impact Measuring

                Conducts and implements the evaluations, assessments, regulatory processes and internal audits for the area.

                • Community Specialists

                  Teams that build human and social capital through bonds of trust and long-term relationships with the residents of the communities near our operations.


Our social management with indigenous communities ensures regulatory and legal compliance is met in all the countries where we have operations, and includes:

Performance indicators
Inhouse assessments and audits 
Performance indicators
Monitor and report the impact of the model, taking into account the Social Return on Investment (SROI), OECD, Better Life Index (BLI), Social Progress Index (SPI), UN Global Compact, ISO 26000, and also the United Nations Guiding Principles for Companies and Human Rights (UNGP).
Inhouse assessments and audits 
Conducted at each operation and quarterly community development meetings in each region, also quarterly impact monitoring by the Sustainable Development Committee. 
The regulatory standards for our engagement with indigenous communities in the countries where we operate are:
  • American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  • United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  • ILO Convention 169 concerning Indigenous and Tribal People in Independent Countries.
  • International Finance Corporation Performance Standard 7.
  • Inter-American Commission on Human Rights reports and standards.
  • Article 2 of the Mexican Constitution in reference to indigenous peoples.
  • Procedural Code for the Application of the Right to Consultation of Indigenous Peoples concerning mining and energy activities, however the Prior Consultation Law repeals Supreme Decree 023-2011­ EM, which enacts this Procedural Code.
  • Law N°29785. Law on the Right of Consultation of Indigenous Peoples (2011 Peruvian Prior Consultation Law) and code (2012), enacted by Supreme Decree N° 001-2012.M.
  • Our relationships with indigenous peoples in Arizona are held to federal laws and to the specific codes of each nation.
  • Our operations have mechanisms in place for open and ongoing communication.
