Corporate Goal Setting under the approach of reducing impacts and strengthening benefits (SDGs)

Starting from the identification of the main material topics for our stakeholders, we prioritize our contribution to the SDGs based on the positive impact we generate (↑) and the reduction of risks (↓) and impacts derived from our activities in the components of our value chain, considering the risk factors that could have a significant impact on our operations, financial situation, and products and services generated.

During 2024, we will establish a monitoring and reporting framework for corporate goals (both cross-cutting and division-specific) related to prioritized topics and SDGs.

For more information, please refer to the section Corporate Sustainable Goals Progress

Priority areas

Health & Safety

Priority / Main goal

Provide a safe and healthy workspace for all our employees and contractors. Our goal is to end all fatalities, injuries, and work-related illnesses altogether.

Targets / Goals

  • Zero major or fatal accidents.
  • Reduce lost-time work-related injuries (company personnel and contractors).
  • Reduce work-related health issues experienced by company personnel exposed at AMC operations.

Current progress

  • 100% of our operations in the Mining Division and 60% of the operations in the Infrastructure Division are certified to the ISO 45001 standard. 
  • In 2023, there were no fatalities among employees and contractors in the Infrastructure Division.

Continue reading in Occupational Health & Safety


Human rights

Priority / Main goal

Ensuring the prevention of adverse impacts on the human rights of our employees, communities neighboring our operations, and throughout our value chain.

Targets / Goals

  • Institutionalize our program to support local small suppliers and strengthen training in mining and non-mining skills to support the economic development of our communities.
  • Implementing a complaint handling system for external stakeholders close to the operations of both the Mining Division and the Infrastructure Division.

Current progress

  • The Community Care Service has been implemented in 100% of operational sites and mining projects in Mexico and Peru for both the Mining and Infrastructure Divisions. In the case of ASARCO, it has been implemented at 1 site. 
  • In 2023, the Community Care Service procedure was formalized and implemented at 13 sites in Mexico, 6 in Peru, and 1 in the United States.

Continue reading in Human Rights


Priority / Main goal

Fostering positive relationships with neighboring communities and indigenous populations around our operations, aiming to promote prosperity and socio-economic development that benefits all stakeholders.

Targets / Goals

  • Formalizing and implementing at least six mechanisms for community participation, engagement, and communication at each of our operational sites. 
  • Increasing local workforce and procurement. 
  • Contributing to the community by investing in projects to enhance water availability for nearby communities. 
  • Promoting quality education and improving academic performance in schools sponsored by the company.

Current progress


  • In 2023, the planning, objectives, and scope of the mechanisms to be implemented by site and country were designed. 
  • There was a 122% increase in local suppliers in 2023 compared to 2021 in the Mining Division.
  • There was a 70% progress in the works for the renovation of the drinking water system for Cananea, ensuring 24-hour water availability to 100% of the community of nearly 40 thousand inhabitants

Continue reading in Communities


Priority / Main goal

Promoting water conservation through the implementation of more efficient production processes and actively contributing to its availability in the regions where we operate.

Targets / Goals

  • Reduce freshwater consumption per production unit by 5%, compared with 2022.
  • 83% reuse of process water.
  • Contribute to recharging water tables in the river basins and watersheds where our operations are located, through works and reforestation (at least 740 million gallons (2.8 million m3)).
  • Active participation in the governance of the river basins and watersheds where we operate.

Current progress

  • In 2023, the Mining Division achieved a 2% reduction in first-use water consumption per production unit compared to 2022 (2023: 0.52 m3/ton processed).
  • In 2023, the Mining Division saw a 2% increase in recycled water consumption compared to 2022 (2023: 76% recycled water).
  • Currently, we are actively participating in the water basin councils of the Upper Northwest (Buenavista del Cobre), the Tacna region (Toquepala), and the Moquegua region (Cuajone).

Continue reading in Water


Priority / Main goal

Contributing to the protection and conservation of biodiversity and the environmental services provided by ecosystems to achieve a net positive impact.

Targets / Goals

  • Restore an area greater than that affected by our Mining Division operations each year.
  • Biodiversity management plans at all our Mining Division operations.
  • Reverse the net biodiversity loss and achieve a net positive impact for the Mining Division.

Current progress

  • We met our commitment for the fourth year in a row, achieving Net Zero Deforestation in the Mining Division, restoring an area greater than that impacted (9,390 acres / 4,067 acres = 2.3) (3,800 ha/1,646 ha=2.3).
  • 9 Mining Division operations are located in areas with high biodiversity value: Buenavista del Cobre, METCO, La Caridad, Lime Plant, Charcas, Hayden, Silver Bell, Ray and Mission. We are expecting to complete the plans for Hayden, Silver Bell, Ray and Mission in 2024.
  • We started ecological integrity studies for our operations located in areas with high biodiversity value: Buenavista del Cobre, La Caridad, METCO, Lime Plant and Charcas.

Continue reading in Biodiversity

Climate change

Priority / Main goal

That our operations are carbon-neutral and resilient to climate change.

Targets / Goals

  • Net zero Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions at the Grupo México level.
  • At least 50% electricity from renewable sources, total Grupo México consumption by 2035.
  • Implement a climate risk adaptation plan at all sites.

Current progress

  • Grupo México reduced emissions by 11%, compared with 2018.
  • 32% of the electricity Grupo México consumed came from renewable sources, due to our operations in Peru operating on 100% renewable energy with the acquisition of clean energy certificates.

Continue reading in Climate Change

Mine Waste

Priority / Main goal

Planning, designing, constructing, operating, and closing tailings systems responsibly, minimizing risks and impacts that may arise, in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Tailings Management Standard.

Targets / Goals

  • Full compliance with our Tailings Systems Policy.
  • Updated closure plans at all our active tailings dams.
  • Closure of all inactive tailing dams, heaps and piles, in accordance with best practices.

Current progress

  • 14 active tailings facilities considered (AMC). Principal gaps: A work plan was prepared for La Caridad (Mexico) to close the identified gaps with the global standard. The work plans for the Buenavista del Cobre facilities in Mexico and for Quebrada Honda in Peru are being prepared and are expected to be implemented this year.
  • The closure plan for Buenavista del Cobre and its tailings facilities are being prepared and a first draft is expected to be completed in 2024.

Continue reading in Mine Waste

Diversity & Inclusion

Priority / Main goal

Fostering a diverse, inclusive, and non-discriminatory environment in our operations and nearby communities

Targets / Goals

  • Increase the number of women in the total workforce 2% each year from 2022 to 2025.

Current progress

In all three divisions, there was a significant increase in the number of women employed by the company, with the Infrastructure Division being the only one to not only meet but exceed its published goal. This is partly because the Infrastructure Division incorporated a new real estate business line, where 51% of the total workforce are women.

Continue reading in Diversity & Inclusion

Supply Chain

Priority / Main goal

Promoting a responsible management of sustainability-related risks throughout the value chain.

Targets / Goals

  • Due diligence process for critical suppliers, including ESG criteria.
  • Include carbon footprint criteria in the decision criteria for major inputs and equipment.

Current progress

  • The due diligence process for suppliers is in its last development phase and will be applied through the Dow Jones Risk & Compliance tool in 2024. The sample for this analysis will be 3,385 critical suppliers, 1,127 of which will undergo an additional review process conducted by Compliance.
  • The development and incorporation of carbon footprint criteria for the acquisition of major inputs and equipment is considered in the incorporation of ESG criteria into the due diligence process for suppliers. The result of this process will define the scope and specifications.

Continue reading in Supply Chain

Our People

Priority / Main goal

Fostering the comprehensive development of our people, aiming to attract and retain highly capable, motivated individuals aligned with our values.

Targets / Goals

  • Increase the local workforce.

Current progress

  • In Mexico and Peru, 529 people received training in mining-related trades, 31% of whom are working at the company or with contractors.

Continue reading in Our People

Closure of Operations

Priority / Main goal

Ensuring long-term physical, chemical, and biological stability at sites where we cease operations, while simultaneously mitigating potential risks to the safety and health of individuals, as well as the environment.

Targets / Goals

  • Environmental and social closure plans in place for all our operations.
  • Ensuring the necessary resources for the safe and successful closure of all our operations.

Current progress

  • The closure plan for Buenavista del Cobre and its tailings facilities are being prepared and a first draft is expected to be completed in 2024.

Continue reading in Closure of Operations

Environmental Management​

Priority / Main goal

Implementing Environmental Management practices to ensure compliance with the highest sustainability standards across all our operations.

Targets / Goals

  • Achieving ISO 14001 certification in 100% of the business units within the Mining Division.

Current progress

  • In 2023, all our mining operations obtained ISO 14001 certification, meeting the goal set in 2018.
Business Ethics​

Priority / Main goal

Promoting a culture of ethics that is reflected in all our operations, by fostering integrity, responsibility, and respect in all our decisions.

Targets / Goals

  • Disseminate the Code of Ethics to 100% of the organization​.
  • ISO 37301 certification for our compliance system.
  • Close grievances reported in less than 35 days.

Current progress

  • More than 700 employees received in-person training in 2023 and 300 online.
  • Derived from the increase in cases for 2023, the closing period was longer than 35 days, however, the strategy for the year 2024 has been redefined to achieve the objectives.

Priority / Main goal

Establish practices that promote effective waste management, ensuring regulatory compliance and the prevention of environmental spills.

Targets / Goals

  • Reuse 80% of hazardous waste in other productive chains.
  • Reuse 50% of waste requiring special handling in other productive chains. 
  • Zero spills affecting ecosystems, in accordance with Mexican legislation​.
  • Revise our critical prevention processes and environmental spill response protocols.

Current progress

  • 95% was repurposed to other productive chains through recycling and/or energy from incineration.
  • No chemical substance spills at any Infrastructure Division site.
  • We started to implement the Critical Risk Management tool, which will define quantitative controls to prevent and address critical risks.
Risk Management

Priority / Main goal

Ensuring a safe operation with a focus on risk management and prevention, as well as providing a safe working environment for our employees and contractors.

Targets / Goals

  • Consolidate our culture of risk awareness within the company​.
  • Enhance our sensitivity analyses and stress test son climate change and the quality and quantity of water​.
  • Develop an analysis of emerging risks that includes the potential impacts and mitigation actions.

Current progress

  • Pending
Health & Safety

Priority / Main goal

Provide a safe and healthy workspace for all our employees and contractors. Our goal is to end all fatalities, injuries, and work-related illnesses altogether.

Targets / Goals

  • Zero major or fatal accidents.
  • Reduce lost-time work-related injuries (company personnel and contractors).
  • Reduce work-related health issues experienced by company personnel exposed at AMC operations.

Current progress

  • 100% of our operations in the Mining Division and 60% of the operations in the Infrastructure Division are certified to the ISO 45001 standard. 
  • In 2023, there were no fatalities among employees and contractors in the Infrastructure Division.

Continue reading in Occupational Health & Safety


Human rights

Priority / Main goal

Ensuring the prevention of adverse impacts on the human rights of our employees, communities neighboring our operations, and throughout our value chain.

Targets / Goals

  • Institutionalize our program to support local small suppliers and strengthen training in mining and non-mining skills to support the economic development of our communities.
  • Implementing a complaint handling system for external stakeholders close to the operations of both the Mining Division and the Infrastructure Division.

Current progress

  • The Community Care Service has been implemented in 100% of operational sites and mining projects in Mexico and Peru for both the Mining and Infrastructure Divisions. In the case of ASARCO, it has been implemented at 1 site. 
  • In 2023, the Community Care Service procedure was formalized and implemented at 13 sites in Mexico, 6 in Peru, and 1 in the United States.

Continue reading in Human Rights


Priority / Main goal

Fostering positive relationships with neighboring communities and indigenous populations around our operations, aiming to promote prosperity and socio-economic development that benefits all stakeholders.

Targets / Goals

  • Formalizing and implementing at least six mechanisms for community participation, engagement, and communication at each of our operational sites. 
  • Increasing local workforce and procurement. 
  • Contributing to the community by investing in projects to enhance water availability for nearby communities. 
  • Promoting quality education and improving academic performance in schools sponsored by the company.

Current progress


  • In 2023, the planning, objectives, and scope of the mechanisms to be implemented by site and country were designed. 
  • There was a 122% increase in local suppliers in 2023 compared to 2021 in the Mining Division.
  • There was a 70% progress in the works for the renovation of the drinking water system for Cananea, ensuring 24-hour water availability to 100% of the community of nearly 40 thousand inhabitants

Continue reading in Communities


Priority / Main goal

Promoting water conservation through the implementation of more efficient production processes and actively contributing to its availability in the regions where we operate.

Targets / Goals

  • Reduce freshwater consumption per production unit by 5%, compared with 2022.
  • 83% reuse of process water.
  • Contribute to recharging water tables in the river basins and watersheds where our operations are located, through works and reforestation (at least 740 million gallons (2.8 million m3)).
  • Active participation in the governance of the river basins and watersheds where we operate.

Current progress

  • In 2023, the Mining Division achieved a 2% reduction in first-use water consumption per production unit compared to 2022 (2023: 0.52 m3/ton processed).
  • In 2023, the Mining Division saw a 2% increase in recycled water consumption compared to 2022 (2023: 76% recycled water).
  • Currently, we are actively participating in the water basin councils of the Upper Northwest (Buenavista del Cobre), the Tacna region (Toquepala), and the Moquegua region (Cuajone).

Continue reading in Water


Priority / Main goal

Contributing to the protection and conservation of biodiversity and the environmental services provided by ecosystems to achieve a net positive impact.

Targets / Goals

  • Restore an area greater than that affected by our Mining Division operations each year.
  • Biodiversity management plans at all our Mining Division operations.
  • Reverse the net biodiversity loss and achieve a net positive impact for the Mining Division.

Current progress

  • We met our commitment for the fourth year in a row, achieving Net Zero Deforestation in the Mining Division, restoring an area greater than that impacted (9,390 acres / 4,067 acres = 2.3) (3,800 ha/1,646 ha=2.3).
  • 9 Mining Division operations are located in areas with high biodiversity value: Buenavista del Cobre, METCO, La Caridad, Lime Plant, Charcas, Hayden, Silver Bell, Ray and Mission. We are expecting to complete the plans for Hayden, Silver Bell, Ray and Mission in 2024.
  • We started ecological integrity studies for our operations located in areas with high biodiversity value: Buenavista del Cobre, La Caridad, METCO, Lime Plant and Charcas.

Continue reading in Biodiversity

Climate change

Priority / Main goal

That our operations are carbon-neutral and resilient to climate change.

Targets / Goals

  • Net zero Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions at the Grupo México level.
  • At least 50% electricity from renewable sources, total Grupo México consumption by 2035.
  • Implement a climate risk adaptation plan at all sites.

Current progress

  • Grupo México reduced emissions by 11%, compared with 2018.
  • 32% of the electricity Grupo México consumed came from renewable sources, due to our operations in Peru operating on 100% renewable energy with the acquisition of clean energy certificates.

Continue reading in Climate Change

Mine Waste

Priority / Main goal

Planning, designing, constructing, operating, and closing tailings systems responsibly, minimizing risks and impacts that may arise, in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Tailings Management Standard.

Targets / Goals

  • Full compliance with our Tailings Systems Policy.
  • Updated closure plans at all our active tailings dams.
  • Closure of all inactive tailing dams, heaps and piles, in accordance with best practices.

Current progress

  • 14 active tailings facilities considered (AMC). Principal gaps: A work plan was prepared for La Caridad (Mexico) to close the identified gaps with the global standard. The work plans for the Buenavista del Cobre facilities in Mexico and for Quebrada Honda in Peru are being prepared and are expected to be implemented this year.
  • The closure plan for Buenavista del Cobre and its tailings facilities are being prepared and a first draft is expected to be completed in 2024.

Continue reading in Mine Waste

Diversity & Inclusion

Priority / Main goal

Fostering a diverse, inclusive, and non-discriminatory environment in our operations and nearby communities

Targets / Goals

  • Increase the number of women in the total workforce 2% each year from 2022 to 2025.

Current progress

In all three divisions, there was a significant increase in the number of women employed by the company, with the Infrastructure Division being the only one to not only meet but exceed its published goal. This is partly because the Infrastructure Division incorporated a new real estate business line, where 51% of the total workforce are women.

Continue reading in Diversity & Inclusion

Supply Chain

Priority / Main goal

Promoting a responsible management of sustainability-related risks throughout the value chain.

Targets / Goals

  • Due diligence process for critical suppliers, including ESG criteria.
  • Include carbon footprint criteria in the decision criteria for major inputs and equipment.

Current progress

  • The due diligence process for suppliers is in its last development phase and will be applied through the Dow Jones Risk & Compliance tool in 2024. The sample for this analysis will be 3,385 critical suppliers, 1,127 of which will undergo an additional review process conducted by Compliance.
  • The development and incorporation of carbon footprint criteria for the acquisition of major inputs and equipment is considered in the incorporation of ESG criteria into the due diligence process for suppliers. The result of this process will define the scope and specifications.

Continue reading in Supply Chain

Our People

Priority / Main goal

Fostering the comprehensive development of our people, aiming to attract and retain highly capable, motivated individuals aligned with our values.

Targets / Goals

  • Increase the local workforce.

Current progress

  • In Mexico and Peru, 529 people received training in mining-related trades, 31% of whom are working at the company or with contractors.

Continue reading in Our People

Closure of Operations

Priority / Main goal

Ensuring long-term physical, chemical, and biological stability at sites where we cease operations, while simultaneously mitigating potential risks to the safety and health of individuals, as well as the environment.

Targets / Goals

  • Environmental and social closure plans in place for all our operations.
  • Ensuring the necessary resources for the safe and successful closure of all our operations.

Current progress

  • The closure plan for Buenavista del Cobre and its tailings facilities are being prepared and a first draft is expected to be completed in 2024.

Continue reading in Closure of Operations

Environmental Management​

Priority / Main goal

Implementing Environmental Management practices to ensure compliance with the highest sustainability standards across all our operations.

Targets / Goals

  • Achieving ISO 14001 certification in 100% of the business units within the Mining Division.

Current progress

  • In 2023, all our mining operations obtained ISO 14001 certification, meeting the goal set in 2018.

Business Ethics​

Priority / Main goal

Promoting a culture of ethics that is reflected in all our operations, by fostering integrity, responsibility, and respect in all our decisions.

Targets / Goals

  • Disseminate the Code of Ethics to 100% of the organization​.
  • ISO 37301 certification for our compliance system.
  • Close grievances reported in less than 35 days.

Current progress

  • More than 700 employees received in-person training in 2023 and 300 online.
  • Derived from the increase in cases for 2023, the closing period was longer than 35 days, however, the strategy for the year 2024 has been redefined to achieve the objectives.


Priority / Main goal

Establish practices that promote effective waste management, ensuring regulatory compliance and the prevention of environmental spills.

Targets / Goals

  • Reuse 80% of hazardous waste in other productive chains.
  • Reuse 50% of waste requiring special handling in other productive chains. 
  • Zero spills affecting ecosystems, in accordance with Mexican legislation​.
  • Revise our critical prevention processes and environmental spill response protocols.

Current progress

  • 95% was repurposed to other productive chains through recycling and/or energy from incineration.
  • No chemical substance spills at any Infrastructure Division site.
  • We started to implement the Critical Risk Management tool, which will define quantitative controls to prevent and address critical risks.

Risk Management

Priority / Main goal

Ensuring a safe operation with a focus on risk management and prevention, as well as providing a safe working environment for our employees and contractors.

Targets / Goals

  • Consolidate our culture of risk awareness within the company​.
  • Enhance our sensitivity analyses and stress test son climate change and the quality and quantity of water​.
  • Develop an analysis of emerging risks that includes the potential impacts and mitigation actions.

Current progress

  • Pending

Corporate Sustainable Goals Progress

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Business ethics
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Grupo México
Community development
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Goal status

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Formalize and implement at least six mechanisms for community participation, engagement and communication at all our sites
See more
General status:
In progress
Anual development:

The six mechanisms are: Community Care Service, participative diagnostics, transparent communication during the different operational stages, collaborative environmental community committees, perception studies and multisector regional development plans

  • 2023: CCS and participative diagnostics procedures formalized. Training started at all sites on the procedure for handling grievances, concerns and request. We are currently updating the participative diagnostics for 4 sites.
Allocate 30% of our total SDG investments to improving the water quality and quantity in our neighbor communities
See more
General status:
In progress
Anual development:

  • 2023: Allocate 30% of our total SDG investments to improving the water quality and quantity in our neighbor communities.
Position our 11 company schools in the top quintile nationally for mathematics and Spanish
See more
General status:
In progress
Anual development:

  • 2023: The international standardized tool Map Growth was selected in 2023 to assess and compare schools. Teacher training and investment in infrastructure to apply the tool. The baseline for the tool will be generated in June 2024 with 1,530 students participating in the pilot project in Mexico.
Allocate 30% of our total SDG investments to improving the water quality and quantity in our neighbor communities
See more
General status:
In progress
Anual development:

  • 2023: 70% completion on the works projects to upgrade the clean water system in Cananea to guarantee water supply 24 hrs a day for the entire community of nearly 40,000 inhabitants. Capture system and pipeline for the clean water system in the Huanuara and Quilihuani districts, Tacna region, Peru. Clean water pipe upgrade in the Torata Alta sector, Torata district.
Increase the local supply by 20%
See more
General status:
In progress
Anual development:

  • 2023: In 2023, there were 794 local suppliers in México and Perú, which represents a 122% increase over 2021. In Mexico, 64 companies received training on procurement and administrative processes, sales, productivity and legal matters, 37% of which are company suppliers. (This target will be reconsidered in 2024 to measure the % of local suppliers trained
Increase the local workforce by 10%
See more
General status:
In progress
Anual development:

  • 2023: There were 7,317 local employees in 2023, representing a 10% decrease compared with 2021. In Mexico and Peru, 529 people received training in mining-related trades, 31% of whom are working at the company or with contractors.

Formalize and implement at least six mechanisms for community participation, engagement and communication at all our sites
See more
General status:
In progress
Anual development:

The six mechanisms are: Community Care Service, participative diagnostics, transparent communication during the different operational stages, collaborative environmental community committees, perception studies and multisector regional development plans

  • 2023: Each of the 6 tools will undergo a formalization process to ensure unified implementation at all operations. The Community Care Service procedure was formalized in 2023; this mechanism is operating at 13 sites in Mexico, 6 in Peru and 1 in the United States. The planning, objectives and scope of the mechanisms are being designed for implementation by site and country.
Allocate 2.5% of Grupo México net earnings to projects that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals
Grupo México
See more
General status:
The goal has been met
Anual development:

  • 2023: Grupo Mexico since 2019, we have allocated around US $547.3 million to the financing of social and philanthropic projects, which support the SDGs in the communities surrounding our operations. For 2023, we allocated US $167.5 million, which represents 5.8% of our net profits.