We focus on learning about, understanding and fostering the protection of biodiversity, as well as the continuous provision of ecosystem services at and around our operations.

Our management in this area focuses on 4 principles:
Mitigation hierarchy
Science-based targets
Social perspective
Involvement of other stakeholders

For more information, see Management Approach


  • Contribute to biodiversity conservation through the protection and recovery of species, their habitats and ecosystems, and also creating new ecosystems.
  • Not explore or develop new projects at declared Natural World Heritage sites.
  • Design and manage new operations and changes to existing operations in a way that is compatible with the value for which they were designated protected areas and high biodiversity areas.
  • Achieve a zero net deforestation and a positive net impact on the biodiversity.
  • Assess, prevent or minimize significant risks and impacts to the biodiversity and ecosystem services at our operations.
  • Timely compliance with all applicable legal obligations associated with biodiversity management, during the construction, operation and closure of sites, and also in the post-closure stage.
  • Ongoing improvement of our performance in biodiversity management.
  • Involve the local communities, environmental authorities, research institutions, nonprofits and our business partners in our biodiversity actions, where appropriate and insofar as possible.
  • Promote the adoption of best practices in biodiversity management with our business partners.
See more


Organizational Management

Grupo México’s biodiversity management focuses on 4 principles, with specific commitments:

Mitigation hierarchy

We prioritize our activities to start with avoiding and reducing negative impacts, followed by restoring the project site, and as a last resort, offsetting residual impacts.

Science-based targets

We make decisions based on the best science-based information available to support achieving our goals.

Social perspective

We ensure the continued provision of environmental goods and services and contribute to the social and economic development of the communities located in our areas of operation through sustainable biodiversity management.

Involvement of other stakeholders

We collaborate with different stakeholders, mainly environmental authorities, communities, nonprofits or charity organizations, and academic and research institutions, to maintain and, where possible, improve the status of the biodiversity.

Key indicators
specimens produced at our nurseries in 2023.
plants planted in 2023.
hectares reforested in 2023.
Area impacted
Area impacted
hectares modified by mining activity in 2023.
Restoration rate
Restoration rate
times more land restored than we affected in 2023.
individuals rescued in 2023.
species identified according to the IUCN Red List in 2023.
individuals rescued in 2023.
species identified according to Official Mexican Standard NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 in 2023.
of our mines in Mexico are in the process of incorporating ecological integrity monitoring.
Mining Division operations in Mexico have biodiversity management plans.
Roles & Responsibilities

The organizational supervision of our biodiversity management in the Mining Division is structured as follows:

Strategy and compliance
Operational supervision
  • Executive Leadership /

    Board of Directors

    Evaluates performance and progress on the corporate goals, targets and indicators, and investment projects related to biodiversity. Identifies areas of opportunity, needs, risks and potential synergies.

    • Audit


      Mechanism developed for the Board to monitor and promptly follow up on the management of our environmental, social and governance-related risks.

      • Sustainable Development Committee

        Monitors the performance of our actions, makes executive adjustments, assesses the risks and opportunities associated with climate change, and submits strategic recommendations to the Board of Directors.

        • Sustainable Development Department

          Leads the design and implementation of projects, initiatives and actions, in close collaboration with the other divisions and relevant areas of the company.

          • Environmental

            Affairs Office

            Supervises the implementation of the strategy and receives information from the operational units.

            • Ecosystem Restoration


              Defines and implements the biodiversity management strategy.

              • Operational


                Implement actions according to the annual work plan, which is built from the biodiversity monitoring and management plans.

                • Environmental leaders

                  at the operational units

                  Facilitate and monitor actions with other operational areas – report regularly to the unit managers and to the Corporate Environmental Affairs Department through the Environmental Management Systems.


Our Biodiversity Management Protocol commits us to protecting and fostering biodiversity through our mitigation hierarchy of avoid, reduce, restore and offset the potential impacts that may be produced during the lifecycle of our operations.

Each operation located in or near protected areas or areas of high biodiversity value must have a reliable and verifiable body of information for proper biodiversity management, including:

Biodiversity management plans
Environmental impact assessments
Biodiversity management plans
Referring to each site of operation.
Environmental impact assessments
Of the environmental impact of the unit.
Landscape restoration programs and to restore the functional conditions of the ecosystems affected by the closure of the operation, including compensation or offsetting programs for significant residual impacts.
Biodiversity risk prevention manuals.
Our management is aligned with international best practices and adheres to applicable regulations and standards:
  • ISO 14001
  • ICMM – Good Practice Guidance for Mining and Biodiversity
  • Ecological integrity monitoring methodology
  • Convention on Biological Diversity
  • International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List
  • Results of the United Nations Conference on Biological Diveristy (COP15-2022)
  • Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)
  • 2030 Agenda – Goal 15: “Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss.”
Organizational Management

At Grupo México Transportes, we recognize that biodiversity conservation and protection is key to guaranteeing a sustainable future for the generations to come. In this area, we have two policies in place that affirm our commitment to caring for and conservation of ecosystems:


Environmental Policy

Outlines our commitments to:

  • Avoid and reduce the risks and damages that our operations could cause to the environment.
  • Contribute to the protection and conservation of biodiversity and environmental services that ecosystems provide us, to achieve a net positive impact.
Sustainable Development Policy

This policy commits us to:

  • Promote the continuous improvement of our environmental performance and the responsible use of natural resources, complying with the strictest standards to prevent and mitigate environmental impacts.
