The inclusion of women, people with disabilities and members of the LGBT+ community in the workplace implies a cultural shift that we call on businesses and organizations to formally support.

We have been working on building an institutional structure in recent years that will advance our diversity and inclusion agenda both across all company divisions and with our neighbor communities.

Our 2020-2023 Strategic Plan focuses on five aspects:
Awareness campaigns, training and communication
Gender equality and diversity included in our human resources policies and procedures
Inclusion through physical modifications at our operations
Sexual and workplace harassment prevention
Diversity and equality in our communities

For more information, see Management Approach


  • Respect human rights, guaranteeing diversity and inclusion, wellbeing, no discrimination, and equality for all persons.
  • Ensure equal opportunities, and also equal treatment, condition and position between women and men.
  • Prevent potential barriers during hiring, promotion and salary processes, remaining objective always.
  • Guarantee workplaces where respect and tolerance are the norm.
  • Take corrective action against attitudes or acts of discrimination, harassment or any other type of disrespectful, excessive or violent behavior.
See more


Grupo México
Organizational management

Our DEI Strategic Plan focuses on 5 aspects:

Awareness campaigns, training and communication

Our Code of Ethics and human rights trainings include topics related to diversity and inclusion.

We run an ongoing media campaign to promote the value of diversity and inclusion, and also the tools available for reporting incidents of discrimination or harassment, to raise awareness among company employees and, step by step, drive a cultural shift towards safe, diverse and inclusive workplaces.

Gender equality and diversity included in our human resources policies and procedures

Our DEI approach goes beyond merely increasing the number of women in the company; we want to understand the reasons why women leave and design measures that encourage them to stay and develop their careers at Grupo México.

Specific actions include using inclusive language and incorporating measures to eliminate bias from recruitment processes, and also targeting training for women, including  entry-level positions and professional and technical interns.

Inclusion through physical modifications at our operations

Making adjustments to the physical infrastructure and facilities of our three divisions is a gradual and ongoing process that will increase the inclusion of women in all areas of our operations. For example, we continue to install and improve lactation rooms at our corporate offices, while also identifying the needs at our operational sites (for example, adding more changing rooms for women).

Sexual and workplace harassment prevention

Our DEI approach strengthens and defines specific processes to raise awareness, prevent and address potential incidents of sexual or workplace harassment.

For example, we have protocols in place on the “Prevention, Handling, Action  and Redress of incidents of workplace or sexual harassment” for our Mining Division operations in Mexico, Peru, the United States and Spain, taking into account the relevant legislations in each country. We have also upgraded our reporting channels and we orient our personnel on using the Reporting Line through communiqués, infographics and Code of Ethics training, as well as digital and print media, ensuring we reach 100% of our personnel.

Diversity and equality in our communities

The community development model of our Mining and Infrastructure divisions is guided by inclusion, where all our programs and projects conduct an exhaustive advance process to listen to the ideas and needs of the different groups that make up a community, considering their diversity in terms of age, gender, language, sexual preference and specific needs.

We promote diversity and inclusion in our communities through three key areas:

  • Social or community programs
  • Support for disabled and special needs students at our schools
  • Skills development and training for women
Key indicators
Grupo México
Employees in our three divisions received training on topics related to diversity, inclusion and human rights.
Total percentage of the Grupo México workforce who are women.
Participation 2022/2023
Participation 2022/2023
Annual increase in the number of women employees.
STEM Participation
STEM Participation
Percentage of the total women in Grupo México in STEM positions (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).
New Hires
New Hires
Total increase in the number of women hired into the company.
Training in communities
Training in communities
Women trained through the Forjando Futuro and Provee community programs in Mexico and Peru.
Total percentage of the Mining Division workforce who are women.
Participation 2022/2023
Participation 2022/2023
Annual increase in the number of women employees.
STEM Participation
STEM Participation
Percentage of the total women in the Mining Division in STEM positions (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).
New Hires
New Hires
Total increase in the number of women hired.
Great Place To Work for Women certification for the Processing Plant in Sonora, Mexico.
Ranking among the places for women to work in Mexico.
Total percentage of the Transportation Division workforce who are women.
Participation 2022/2023
Participation 2022/2023
Annual increase in the number of women employees.
STEM Participation
STEM Participation
Percentage of the total women in the Transportation Division in STEM positions (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).
New Hires
New Hires
Total increase in the number of women hired.
Total percentage of the Infrastructure Division workforce who are women.
Participation 2022/2023
Participation 2022/2023
Annual increase in the number of women employees.
STEM Participation
STEM Participation
Percentage of the total women in the Infrastructure Division in STEM positions (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).
New Hires
New Hires
Total increase in the number of women hired.
Great Place To Work for Women certification for Perforadora México (oil).
Roles & Responsibilities

The organizational supervision of diversity & inclusion management is structured as follows:

Strategy and compliance
Operational supervision
  • Executive Leadership /

    Board of Directors

    Sets the short, medium and long term direction of the organization and the corresponding investments needed.

    • Audit Committee

      Oversight and monitoring mechanism for environmental, social and governance risk management for the Board of Directors.

      • Sustainable Development Committee

        Monitors the performance of our actions and activities, defines executive adjustments, assesses the related risks and opportunities, and prepares strategic recommendations for the Board of Directors.

        • Sustainable Development Department

          Leads the design and implementation of projects, initiatives and other related actions in close collaboration with the corresponding areas of the company.

          • Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce

            Coordinates the DEI agenda at the Grupo México level. Sets and monitors goals, targets, policies, strategies and budgets to promote diversity and inclusion across our three divisions.

            • Operational sites

              The Leadership/Managers and the Human Resources and Community Development departments at each site are responsible for ensuring the 5 aspects of the DEI Strategic Plan are carried out.

          • Community Development Department

            Oversight of community-related topics for the Mining and Infrastructure divisions.

    • Human Resources Department

      Designs, manages, implements and evaluates mechanisms, processes, initiatives and programs involving labor aspects, personnel management, human capital development, and recruitment and retention.


Our human resources teams regularly monitor the effectiveness of our DEI Strategic Plan through:

Hiring and promotions
Community engagement
Hiring and promotions
The number of women that are hired into or are promoted in each area of the company. (monthly)
That personnel are familiar with and abide by the Policy on Diversity, Inclusion and Non-Discrimination, and complete their DEI and non-violence in the workplace courses. (annually)
That our recruitment materials continue to use inclusive language. (ongoing)
To ensure the Ethics and Discipline Committee has addressed incidents of harassment immediately. (continual)
Community engagement
The Community Development Department has an Impact Measuring office, which reviews the objectives and programs of our community development model in terms of promoting diversity and inclusion in our neighbor communities. (periodically)
The following federal laws and international standards inform our DEI programs and initiatives:
  • ILO Conventions 100 and 111 on employment and occupation discrimination and promoting equal remuneration
  • Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination
  • Law N° 26270 – Anti-Discrimination Law
  • Law N° 28983 – Equal Opportunity Law
  • Law N° 30709 – Law prohibiting salary discrimination between men and women
