88% of our mines received ISO 14001 certification in 2022 for their environmental management systems.
In the labor aspect, our Processing Plant in Sonora, where we process and refine the ore mined in the region, received “Great Place to Work” certification for the first time in 2021, while our Infrastructure Division engineering and energy lines received this same recognition for the second year in a row. Additionally, the Processing Plant was among the Top 10 Best Places for Women to Work in 2022. With this recognition, we take our place as the employer of choice for the best professionals in the country, strengthening our organizational culture of safety, trust and certainty for all personnel.
Grupo México improved its MSCI ESG rating from “B” to “BB”.
Our Infrastructure and Transportation divisions were recognized for the sixth and eighth year, respectively, by the Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía A.C. (CEMEFI) as Socially Responsible Companies. This distinction recognizes companies and organizations in Mexico that meet a series of criteria that includes economic, social and environmental sustainability and profitability.
In occupational safety, our La Caridad Processing Plant (in Spanish, METCO) received the Casco de Plata award from the Mexican Mining Chamber, awarded each year to the operations with the best performance in Workplace Health and Safety. Additionally, the Mexican Mining Chamber (in Spanish, CAMIMEX) and the National Council on Job Skill Standardization and Certification (in Spanish, CONOCER) awarded first place to our Charcas and Santa Barbara rescue teams in the categories “Underground mine rescue” and “First aid”, respectively, at the 16th National Competition for Mine Rescue, First Aid and Hazardous Materials Teams.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has recognized our “Casa Grande” Community Development model since 2018 as one of the best community practices in the extractive industry in Latin America. In 2021, the IDB ratified this recognition for our modernization of all our social programs, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, to our “Virtual Casa Grande” strategy.
We received The Copper Mark responsible production certification in 2022 for our La Caridad open pit mine and our Sonora Processing Plant. Both operations participated in an independent assurance assessment, demonstrating our responsible copper production and our alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
We achieved a major milestone in 2022 with both Grupo México and our subsidiary Grupo México Transportes being included in the S&P/BMV Total Mexico ESG sustainability index (for the Mexican securities market).
Another important achievement was Southern Copper Corporation, our principal subsidiary in the Mining Division, being included for the first time in the S&P/BMV General Peru ESG index (for the Peruvian securities market).
Both Grupo México and Southern Copper Corporation received scores of 69 points on the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) in 2022, a 13% improvement over our 2021 scores. Our CSA performance this year was 35 points above the average score for the Mining and Metals industry, which gained us a place in the Sustainability Yearbook 2023 for the second year in a row. The Yearbook lists the top 15% of companies in the Mining and Metals industry.
Additionally, our La Caridad mine received The Molybdenum Mark responsible production certification and our Processing Plant also received The Zinc Mark responsible production certification. These certifications provide assurance of our institutional commitment to sustainability, confirming that our responsible production meets the highest standards.
In biodiversity, we received Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) certification for the conservation efforts of our Buenavista del Cobre Wildlife Conservation Center (in Spanish, the UMA) in the gene recovery, behavioral rehabilitation and reintroduction of the Mexican Gray Wolf (canis lupus baileyi), as part of the Mexico-USA Binational Conservation Program for the Mexican Gray Wolf.
MAPFRE-Peru awarded our Toquepala mine the “2021 Excellence in Safety Prize” in recognition of the Comprehensive Workplace Health and Safety Management System at our mines, which has reduced injury rates and boosted our efforts in caring for the life and health of our personnel.
69% of our mines received ISO 45001 certification in 2022 for their occupational health and safety management systems.
In the social aspect, the Business Coordinating Council (in Spanish, CCE) and the Mexican Association of Organizational Communications (in Spanish, AMCO) recognized the social impact of our Mobile Documentary Filmmaking Workshop, which we offer in the communities where we operate. This program offers youth and adults the opportunity to produce audiovisual materials on social topics and with characters from their own communities, reflecting the identity between mining and the community.
Grupo México participates in many ESG assessments, standards, certifications and initiatives related to sustainable development in our efforts to be transparent in our commitments and performance in sustainable development providing reliable quality information.